Conscious Sedation

Central Texas Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentists & Special Needs Dentists located in Austin, TX

Conscious sedation can help your child relax and stay comfortable while they receive dental care. At Central Texas Pediatric Dentistry, in Austin, Texas, Steve Hernandez, DDS, and Angie Hernandez, DDS, offer safe and effective conscious sedation to ensure that your child receives the dental care they need, from cleanings and checkups to cavity fillings and other treatments. Call Central Texas Pediatric Dentistry to learn more about conscious sedation and if it’s right for your child.

Conscious Sedation Q&A

What is conscious sedation?

Conscious sedation, sometimes called IV sedation, puts your child into a relaxed, twilight state with medication. Your child is awake but is very comfortable and less aware of the procedure. In most cases, they won’t remember much when the sedative wears off. They will be able to follow basic commands and respond. The dentist also uses a local anesthetic to thoroughly numb your child’s mouth if they need a potentially uncomfortable treatment like a cavity filling.

Central Texas Pediatric Dentistry has extensive training in providing conscious sedation to children and carefully adjusts and administers a safe dose that helps your child stay relaxed during their treatment. 

When do dentists use conscious sedation?

At Central Texas Pediatric Dentistry, dentists use conscious sedation to help children stay relaxed and still during their dental procedure. For example, if your child has trouble sitting still or is afraid of the dentist, conscious sedation might be a good option. 

Your child should be in good health to have conscious sedation. Also, make sure to tell the dentist about any medications your child takes, including prescriptions, over-the-counter medicines, and vitamins. 

What happens during conscious sedation?

On the day of your child’s dental appointment, they should wear loose, comfortable clothing. They also need to fast for at least six hours and only have clear liquids for up to four hours before the appointment.

The dentist cleans your child’s arm and inserts the IV to administer the sedative. Once your child is sedated, they can perform the exam, cleaning, or other treatment. You can stay with your child as the medication takes effect and should remain in the office during the rest of the appointment. 

When the dental treatment is complete, you can wait with your child as the effects of the sedative wear off. They will be groggy for the rest of the day. If the dentist also used a local anesthetic, your child might bite their lips, tongue, or cheeks. Keep an eye on them to make sure they don’t injure themselves.

Call Central Texas Pediatric Dentistry to make an appointment today to learn more about the conscious sedation options and if they’re right for your child.